Let’s face it. Health care is the most complex sector out there.

Veritas is here to HELP.

We provide a broad range of integrity-based services to help our clients create solutions to even the most complex of health care issues.

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strategic planning by veritas health solutions indiana

Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is no small feat. Let us take it off your hands and help you every step of the way.

Whether you are an organization of 5 people or working at the state-level, the process of strategic planning can be overwhelming. We’ve broken this mountain down into a few molehills, and we’re here for you every step of the way.

Expert Facilitation

We can work a room (even if the room is virtual!). Tell us what problem you’re looking to solve and we’ll create a facilitation plan to get the information you need.

We believe the key components to a successful facilitation are: engagement, transparency, and solution-oriented thinking.

expert facilitation services by veritas health solutions
policy research services by veritas health solutions

Policy Research & Design

We consider ourselves the solution-finders. Give us a little direction on the problem you need solved and we’ll be on our way to research what other states are doing to solve it, then assist in crafting a policy solution that fits your need.

Many times, policies that impact the health workforce can be found in many places throughout state statute and rules – licensing/regulation, education, public health, healthcare regulation, social services, etc.

Technical Assistance

We know a little bit about almost everything in the health workforce space. If you need us to connect dots or have a specific question, reach out!

technical assistance from veritas health solutions indiana

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