Our expertise is in all things health workforce data, policy, and planning.
Our traditional clients include: state government (primary care offices, licensing/health care regulation, labor/workforce, higher education/technical education), health care organizations and systems, health care-related non-profits, and trade associations.
Our top requested services include:
Strategic Planning
Whether you are an organization of 5 people or working at the state-level, the process of strategic planning can be overwhelming. We’ve broken this mountain down into a few molehills, and we’re here for you every step of the way.
Expert Facilitation
We believe the key components to a successful facilitation are: engagement, transparency, and solution-oriented thinking. We have a few facilitation techniques up our sleeve and we’re ready to put them to work for you.
Policy Research & Design
When it comes to creating policy solutions in health care, it can be challenging to know where to even begin. Many times, policies that impact the health workforce can be found in many places throughout state statute and rules – licensing/regulation, education, public health, healthcare regulation, social services, etc. We know the ins-and-outs of health workforce policy and can help you design a policy or program that meets your needs.
Other Services
In addition to our top “heavy hitters,” we also offer the following services: grant writing, cost-benefit analyses, financial impact assessment, feasibility studies, social media management, and much more.